Basic take point : 26.65% |
Gammon value
: 52.1% |
Gammon value
: 55.72% |
Doubler's gammon rate |
0% |
10% |
20% |
28% |
30% |
40% |
50% |
Take point (without redoubles) |
26.65% |
30.28% |
33.57% |
35.99% |
36.56% |
39.3% |
41.81% |
Doubling window (without gammons) : 48.92% - 73.35% |
Basic take point : 26.45% |
Gammon value
: 58.7% |
Gammon value
: 54.71% |
Doubler's gammon rate |
0% |
10% |
20% |
28% |
30% |
40% |
50% |
Take point (without redoubles) |
26.45% |
30.53% |
34.18% |
36.84% |
37.47% |
40.44% |
43.14% |
Doubling window (without gammons) : 48.78% - 73.55% |
Basic take point with automatic redouble : 17.59% |
Gammon value
: 39.93% |
Doubling window (without gammons) : 68.55% - 82.41% |
That redouble is automatic |
Basic take point : 12.48% |
Gammon value
: 14.26% |