Saturday - the tournament

The tournament's results

This year's tournament has been an easy affair for the top-seeded team of Andrew Stone and Jochem Snuverink (FantasticCat-Ishamael), who ended with a perfect score except for one draw against Stefan Wolf and Ralf Zoeller (Cosinus-RalfiZoller). After playing a very fine tournament, the latter ones were very surprisingly deprived of the final in the (four-fold) last round. They had a 3.5 points margin over Matthias Carno and Martin Werner (pagloppaglop-ludeo), but these two teams had to play each other in the last round, where pagloppaglop and ludeo managed to win 4-0 (not knowing in any way that they still had a chance to make it into the final). But 4-0 was also the score of a one-way final.

After a very close battle, the title of swiss champions went to Christian Bieri and Quentin Bogousslavsky, just one point ahead of Thierry Fragnière - Laurent Vilaseca and Yvan Masserey - Laurent Schneider.

The tournament was also marked by the participation of the Miralles dynasty : Gilles Miralles is a french GM who brought five more members of his family to play the tournament, that is him, his three daughters, his son and one cousin. These were somewhat explosive partnership, sometimes watched with some concern by the caring mother.

You were there ? Tell us an anecdote ! Author*

Ludeo23.08.2005, 08:36:08
just a little correction: we knew that we needed to win all four games to get (surprisingly) in the final...

nabla24.08.2005, 12:21:37
Oh, then you were so surprised of your achievement that I thought you didn't know !

nabla24.08.2005, 13:53:21
When Rodolphe arrived, as usual he tried to set up a bughouse game as fast as possible. As a result he forgot about all he brought with him, for instance beers who would have done better if placed in the fridge.

nabla24.08.2005, 14:07:52
In the first round, Gilles Miralles, partnering his daughter Mégane, played against his two other daughters Dina and Clarisse. The game was so unbalanced that Mégane hardly looked at the board, and when told by Gilles that she could have mated in one, just answered "yes but I didn't want to mate immediately". After the games, one of the two youngest daughters refused to shake hands with his father (although the later played quite gently).

nabla24.08.2005, 14:11:45
A typical switch of fortunes happened in a game where pagloppaglop and ludeo were considering resigning, as Thierry Fragnière was up on time, had mate with a few more stuff, and had just to sit for this stuff to win the game. But a misunderstanding with his partner Laurent Vilaseca made him play, after which he was so ashamed that instead of going for the king, he captured the queen so as to be forgiven by his partner. Unfortunately, by doing that he left his own queen open to capture, and this queen mated his partner in one move.

nabla24.08.2005, 14:16:38
When telling the rules, I had thought about telling that I would accept taking the king as a proof for a previous illegal move, but unfortunately forgot to do so (by default we are using FIDE rules for blitz, which explicitly state a king capture as being itself an illegal move and losing the game!). As could be expected, a king capture happened, done by Denis Chauvin against the Blanc-Haefliger team, who could hardly expect to win many points besides it. When they sticked to asking for their point, we had little choice but settling the whole affair in a draw.

nabla24.08.2005, 14:20:05
Gilles Miralles with White played a (non-checking) queen sacrifice against his son Loïc, while the queen could not be taken because of an immediate mate by queen drop on g7. When Loïc looked like he would take the queen nevertheless, Gilles told him that it was bad and that he should defend g7 instead. Still, Loïc could not resist taking the queen, passing it to his partner and getting mated in one. He considered the position for some seconds, then tried to get the taken queen from his partner's hands and told "Wait, I take my move back !"

nabla24.08.2005, 14:23:40
In one game Gilles Miralles played a dirty trick to his daughter and partner. He stopped playing and started putting Mégane under a lot of stress, telling her to play, and to play fast. She played a lot of moves in some panic, got into a bad position, and finally got some moves close from being mated. At that very moment, Gilles with one second at this clock dropped the mating move that he had all the time.

nabla24.08.2005, 14:25:37
The following was a reminiscence of one of the first ever bughouse tournaments in Geneva, when Tjeulesbetes had already partnered Geetha Prod'hom. He tells her a move, namely "drop the kinght on f6", she proceeds with that move, and after that he tells her "very well played!"

nabla24.08.2005, 14:34:22
A last one about Gilles and Mégane Miralles. Gilles told Mégane to sit, she answered that she just wanted to take a piece first, but he insisted that she should sit, so she completely stopped playing until further notice. Meanwhile, Gilles played a lot of moves, trading pieces and ending with one rook against queen, two rooks and knight. He then protested "But where are my pieces ? But where are my pieces ?", meaning that Mégane didn't give him any piece. Mégane timidly answered "But I want to take a piece for you", after what he allowed her to resume playing.

nabla24.08.2005, 14:38:30
I was told that ludeo had been a bit messy in his game against Laurent Vilaseca. After having played Qe7-f8-g7 and considering his queen on a somewhat odd square, he thought of a placement mistake and proceeded with swapping it with his king. He then changed his mind and reswapped the pieces, then thought he should swap them again. After all this the players decided to cancel that game and to start a new one.

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Their approach to treatment of autism is based on/based on the ability of stem cells to enhance metabolic processes and improve immune system

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what is Under calm conditions, embryonic stem cells divide to form specialized cell types with conditioned function, such as heart|heart muscle cells, brain cells, blood cells, or bone cells.

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Zygote cells are totipotent, does mean that other measures are develop into all cells character, in joints and vertebrae.

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Translational research plays a vital role in the development of Personalized cancer treatment is also one area where stem cell technology plays a relevant role.

Tylerphevy02.03.2025, 08:51:08
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Equipos de calibración: clave para el desempeño uniforme y productivo de las máquinas.

En el ámbito de la avances actual, donde la productividad y la seguridad del aparato son de alta trascendencia, los sistemas de ajuste tienen un papel crucial. Estos dispositivos específicos están concebidos para ajustar y regular partes giratorias, ya sea en dispositivos productiva, vehículos de transporte o incluso en electrodomésticos caseros.

Para los técnicos en conservación de dispositivos y los técnicos, manejar con equipos de balanceo es esencial para garantizar el operación fluido y seguro de cualquier mecanismo giratorio. Gracias a estas soluciones innovadoras innovadoras, es posible minimizar significativamente las sacudidas, el zumbido y la tensión sobre los rodamientos, prolongando la duración de partes valiosos.

De igual manera trascendental es el papel que juegan los dispositivos de balanceo en la asistencia al usuario. El asistencia especializado y el conservación regular empleando estos aparatos posibilitan dar servicios de excelente nivel, incrementando la satisfacción de los usuarios.

Para los titulares de proyectos, la financiamiento en equipos de equilibrado y dispositivos puede ser importante para aumentar la rendimiento y eficiencia de sus equipos. Esto es particularmente importante para los inversores que dirigen pequeñas y medianas organizaciones, donde cada aspecto importa.

Además, los equipos de ajuste tienen una amplia utilización en el campo de la protección y el monitoreo de estándar. Facilitan encontrar potenciales defectos, evitando mantenimientos caras y problemas a los sistemas. También, los resultados generados de estos equipos pueden utilizarse para maximizar métodos y potenciar la visibilidad en buscadores de investigación.

Las sectores de aplicación de los sistemas de balanceo comprenden variadas industrias, desde la elaboración de vehículos de dos ruedas hasta el monitoreo del medio ambiente. No importa si se habla de extensas elaboraciones manufactureras o modestos establecimientos hogareños, los dispositivos de balanceo son necesarios para garantizar un rendimiento eficiente y sin presencia de fallos.

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“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”

“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”

We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.

Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.

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"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”

Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."

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