Thank you!
First I would like to thank all participants of the gathering for
the fun we (hopefully) all had, especially the foreigners who had
a long trip to Geneva.
I didn't organise this gathering alone, here are the persons
who helped me with the organisation: I wholeheartedly thank:
- Wayra for her unvaluable support, for the welcome and the
transportation of participants, for the organisational
help on Saturday and Sunday, for the excellent cakes!
- Rodolphe Francey for lodging, transporting participants,
transporting material and for occasional help in the
- The Bois-Gentil chess club for hosting the tournament and
providing the playing material (digital clocks!).
- The Caballero family for lodging four last-minute
- Quentin Bogousslavsky for the wines, the birthday cake
and the help.
- Hung Fioramonti for lodging one participant.
Many people ask me how much the gathering costs to me. I can
tell you that this year I had a quite cheap birthday party
because of the financial support I am getting from the following
people, who I particularly thank here:
- Echecs-Club Bois-Gentil
- Wayra
- Quentin Bogousslavsky