Superb weather for the outdoor play on Sunday! With always people playing on giant boards, playing ping-pong, chatting, eating, there has been only one bughouse table, but with constant play during the whole day.
The two french guys, clanelle and pagloppaglop, had come in company of two girls (one sister and one girlfriend), who had not had the best of days on Saturday and had forbidden them to pass anywhere close to the bughouse action on Sunday. Nevertheless, Sunday is an other day and all four of them came to the Parc with a time limit set to one hour. But as the girls finally enjoyed the ping-pong as much as the boys enjoyed the bughouse, they stayed for a good part of the afternoon.
Sunday is a crowdy day in the Parc des Bastions, so we had our small field of spectators curious about a kind of chess they didn't know about. Wayra offered herself to kindly and longly explain all what the game of bughouse is about to a woman passer-by; the latter heard with interest and concluded at the end that "so, the most important is to blame your partner".