The Geneva Bughouse
Gathering 2003
Geneva, Switzerland, August 8-11
Special note :
This year, the gathering will be held in the same time as the popular "Fêtes de Genève", a great touristic attraction in Geneva. See this website for more informations.
1. The program
Friday, August 8th
- From 7 PM on: welcome barbecue hosted by Rodolphe Francey.
Saturday, August 9th
Sunday, August 10th
- From 12 PM on : outdoor bughouse on giant boards and
casual bughouse at the Parc des Bastions.
- 3 PM : outdoor session of multi-bughouse.
- From 5 PM on : outdoor casual bughouse and/or ping-pong, .
- 8:30 PM : for those interested, free closing concert of the Fêtes de Genève, at the Théâtre de Verdure.
Monday, August 11th
- From 12 PM and all the day long: outdoor
casual bughouse and/or ping-pong at the Parc des Bastions.
2. The places
- Friday:
At Rodolphe Francey's place, chemin de Montesquiou 9, 1213 Onex.
- Saturday:
Echecs-Club Bois-Gentil, c/o Club des Aînés "Les
Cèdres", 9 rue du Grand-Pré.
A comfortable indoor place close to the main railway
- From Sunday on:
Parc des Bastions, just near the Place Neuve.
In this classical outdoor meeting place of
Geneva chessplayers, there are three big tables, many
giant chessboards and ping-pong tables. Of course there
will be plenty of classical boards and clocks as well.
In case of rain, it will be possible to retreat to
a sheltered place in the Parc des Bastions. In case of really bad
weather, play will be at the Echecs-Club Bois-Gentil.
3. The
International Swiss Bughouse Championship
- Date: August 9th, 2003, 3 PM
- Place: Club des Aînés "les
Cèdres", 9, rue du Grand-Pré, Genève.
- Entry: free, limited to 20 teams.
- Prize: One prize to a random team.
- Form: Double round-robin (depending
of the number of participants)
- Time control: 5 minutes.
4. The organisation
- Free accomodation for about 10
participants will be possible at the places of some
Geneva players. Priority will be acknowledged to players
from abroad, and of course to the first ones to
- Enough chessboards and digital clocks will
be provided by Echecs-Club Bois-Gentil
- Stuff to make sandwiches and (hopefully
cold) drinks will be at the free disposal of players
during the whole gathering.
- For subscriptions and/or more details,
you can mail Fabrice Liardet, or
phone me at (+41 22) 301 19 05.
But you can even better use the new message board !